Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Foster VIllage

The Broken Earth Foster Village - A Self Sustaining Eco-Pueblo

A Natural Holistic Self Sustaining Foster Village Focused on Re-Connecting Children and Families to A Natural Simplistic Way of Living with a Focus on and an Appreciation for Life. According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, in some areas of the country as many as 60 percent of homeless people have a foster care history. Many never complete high school and go on welfare. About one-quarter of the men end up incarcerated.

In 1991, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services found that only one in six of the teens they tracked who had recently left care was completely self-supporting. ONE IN SIX - meaning that the current system is an almost complete failure.

Children entering the foster care system have already been exposed to various levels of abuse, neglect or other unsettling circumstances that threaten their safety and sense of well-being. From a very young age, and often from birth, these children are trained to disconnect from life rather than connect to it. This unnatural state of living affects every aspect of the child’s development. The current foster care system, while claiming to have made great strides in the last decade, inadvertently continues to feed this tendency in the child to disconnect. Foster children move from one foster home to the next increasing their disconnect and sense of belonging to family and community. By the time they reach their teens they become virtually impossible to place. Most kids in this age group have built up so many defenses to keep from being hurt - they no longer want to be adopted.

The Broken Earth Foster Village is a pilot program designed to counteract this unnatural state and reconnect these children and, if possible, their families to a natural way of living. To give them a place they feel they belong and if choosing to leave the village have a place to return.

For more information: